Result of My First Contest

As you might have read, I took a leap recently into the art of Flash Fiction. Basically, you are given a prompt picture (above) and must write a complete story — beginning, middle and end — using a maximum of only 250 words. If you have never tried this, well! I can tell you it is an exercise in patience, ingenuity and succinctness.

Not too shabby for a first try!

It was my first writing contest since high school, and we will not discuss how long ago that was. All things considered, I am fairly pleased with the outcome. (Who am I kidding? I danced around the house proclaiming my delight to anyone who would listen.)

Needless to say, even an honorable mention gave me that boost, the drive and courage to write on. I spent a very profitable evening adding to my works-in-progress.

So, next time you want to take that step but are held back by insecurities, dadgum, go for it! Grab the reins and take the ride of your life because you never know who is waiting to see what you have to offer!

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